Kawai ES6S

- Naša cena s DPH:
- 1 201,50 €
Zvolený tovar nemožno vložiť do košíka
- Katalógové číslo:
- 1548
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Napíšte nám, čo by sme mohli vylepšiť v texte alebo pri fotografiách tohto produktu: Tu
Kawai Stage Piano
88 kláves s technologií Harmonic ImagingTM (AHA4-F) s autentickým zvukem koncertního piana KAWAI EX
192 hlasá polyfonie
32 zvuků
doprovodný systém
100 rytmů (x 2.variace)
3 typy hry
pamět pro 30 000 not
MIDI in/out,
výkon 2x13W
USB spoj
damper pedál,
rozměry: 136x33x14cm
váha 21 kg
barva: černá
Regardless of whether you’re playing a gig on stage, practising for a piano recital at home, accompanying the local church choir, or studying Beethoven in the classroom, the ES6 is ideal. Compact and portable, this multi-purpose digital piano offers an authentic weighted keyboard action, impressively powerful speaker system, and an intelligent selection of great sounds, providing a range of musical opportunities – wherever the venue, and whatever the occasion.
The ES6 captures the beautiful sound of KAWAI’s highly acclaimed hand-crafted concert grand piano, with all 88 keys of this exceptional instrument meticulously recorded, analysed, and faithfully reproduced using proprietary Harmonic Imaging™ technology. Additional string resonance and damper effects are also applied, delivering rich tones with breathtaking realism and authenticity.
The ES6 features an improved 6-speaker sound system, utilising speaker box enclosures to provide deep bass and crisp treble frequencies. This unique design allows for a compact, portable instrument that is ideal for live stage performances, while standard LINE OUT jacks are also included for effortless connectivity, should additional amplification be required.
The redesigned Advanced Hammer Action IV-F keyboard accurately represents the touch of a traditional grand piano, grading key weight appropriately for each playing range. This inventive process allows greater stability during fortissimo passages, while preserving delicate pianissimo control, to satisfy the demands of even the most discerning pianist.
The new Rhythm Section feature offers solo performers a wide selection of professionally arranged backing accompaniments at the touch of a button. With preset chord progressions and One Finger Ad-lib™ solo phrases for pop, rock, jazz-funk, and popular Latin styles, musicians can breathe new life into their repertoire, while maintaining control over each performance.
The beautiful HM-3II Design Kit makes the ES6 a stylish digital piano. It contains the stand and the acrylic music rack.
In addition this set can be expanded by the 3 pedal unit F-300H.
HM-3II / F-300H